OCS Medecin

Corporate Doctors

Investing into the well-being of your employees reflects the profound commitment your company holds towards its staff, mirroring a transformative journey towards a healthier, more vibrant workplace environment 

This strategic focus, not only uplifts morale but also cultivates a thriving, joyous milieu, reflecting the core values and aspirations of your organisation

Corporate Health & Wellness

We understand how imperative and challenging it is for a company to cater for the health & wellness of its employees. Hence, at OCS Médecin, we are offering a community wellbeing package as part of our corporate health provision.

“Our objective is to alleviate the health concerns of employees and assist companies in enhancing their management of employee wellbeing”

Benefits of OCS Médecin Corporate Doctors

Following comprehensive research and detailed interviews, our team at OCS Médecin has recognised the paramount importance of fostering a healthy work environment to secure maximum productivity and employee retention. For the same reason, our Community Wellbeing package has been meticulously crafted to seamlessly blend into the daily routines of corporate employees, addressing both mental and physical health to develop personalised care plans. And to ensure the successful implementation of these plans, we have assembled a distinguished group of professional practitioners dedicated to providing timely and precise care services, directly where they are needed.

Our team of professional practitioners

General Practitioner





Our Community Wellbeing Package/ Corporate Doctor Service

Be a part of our community wellbeing - Learn more about our Corporate Doctor Package

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